Acrylic Vs. Vinyl Awnings: Which is the Best?

If you are planning a trip using your RV, you are probably considering buying an awning too. However, you might be stuck in choosing the material where it is made and the best choice for you among the common choices in the market. Of course, this decision is crucial because it will dictate how your entire trip can go.

If looking for an affordable option, vinyl will be a wise choice, minus the aesthetic factor. Acrylic awnings are best in windy and humid environments but not as water-resistant as vinyl. It also has aesthetics and is easy to maintain but comes at a higher price.

If you already have an RV, adding an awning to your accessories will be good. It will give additional space to smaller RVs. It can also be a means of cooling your RVs in hot temperatures and maybe your protection in the rain when outdoors. Hence, with its benefits, it is crucial to choose what is best for you, and here are the factors you should consider when torn between what to choose. 

The Bests Acrylic Awnings It Has To Offer

If you choose to buy acrylic awnings, here are the bests it has to offer that you can certainly enjoy.

It Is Undoubtedly Durable

An acrylic awning is the best choice if in a windy environment. Acrylic fiber is soft, lightweight, and breathable. It is durable against the wind. 

It can mimic other fibers like cotton. An acrylic awning is made up of woven material, so air passes through it easily, making it cooler to be staying under the awning. 

With this, the awning dries quickly when wet and is washable and hypoallergenic. 

Acrylic fiber is strong and warm. It does not crack because it expands when exposed to heat and contracts when exposed to cold weather. 

This makes the material highly fade-resistant and water-resistant, mold and mildew resistant, and easy to clean.

It is More Stylish

An acrylic awning is much more stylish and available in bright or vibrant colors and has more available patterns than a vinyl awning. Colors for acrylic awning may vary from black to white to the colors of the rainbow.

This is because of the patterns and colors woven into an acrylic awning rather than just a painted-on top in a vinyl awning. Patterns are easier to create in acrylic since they are woven than vinyl ones.

It Is the Most Popular Choice Among RVers

When it comes to the popularity of awnings to RVers, acrylic awnings are way more popular than vinyl awnings. 

Even though a vinyl awning is water-resistant, its plastic appearance and limited lifespan since it is prone to break or rip when exposed to strong winds make its lifespan shorter. RVers opted for an acrylic awning. 

In addition, an acrylic awning is more used when to owner wants their RV to be aesthetically pleasing to the eyes, wants a colorful, spunky, and unique décor, ease of upkeep, beauty, durability, and to keep you out of the rain, and acrylic awnings are the best. 

Vinyl Awnings and Its Strengths

Vinyl awnings may not be as popular as acrylic awnings, but it has strengths that can make you choose this over acrylic ones.

It is Affordable Yet Serves Its Purpose

There are two common types of vinyl awning. The first is that when the fabric is coated with vinyl, the other one is laminated in vinyl. Vinyl awning fabric is more water-resistant and is not flammable. It is budget-friendly.

Like the acrylic awning, a vinyl awning also has pros and cons. One of its cons is that a vinyl awning is not breathable as an acrylic awning. 

This means that cooler air or moisture does not pass through, making it hotter when under a vinyl awning. 

It is not a good idea to buy a vinyl awning if you travel in hotter climate conditions or areas. Also, a vinyl awning is not flexible. Thus it is prone to ripping when exposed to strong wind. 

Since vinyl awning is waterproof, it is commonly used in rainy areas. However, because of its material, it dries more slowly than an acrylic awning. 

Thus, it is prone to suffer from mildew issues if not properly maintained, so do not put away in damp or keep while damp. 

Most of all, do not use vinyl when you live in a damp climate since high temperatures and humidity can initiate mildew formation into the awning. A vinyl awning is available in fewer colors and patterns and has a plastic feel for aesthetics.

It Adheres To a Simple Design

Vinyl awnings are usually simple and only come in simple designs because it is harder to put patterns on vinyl than acrylic awnings. 

However, vinyl is pretty from minimalist designs that can fit almost any van color. It will save you from deciding what pattern or design to buy. 

Almost every buyer considers the cost when buying any products, not just RV-related. Perhaps you, like me, look into this factor too. Remember that not all high-priced products equate to automatic durability but will still boil down to the materials used and maintenance you will make.

Vinyl material is simpler to manufacture and relatively cheaper than an acrylic awning. On the other hand, acrylic awning needs proper maintenance, often treated with water-resistant coatings before being sold.

Final Verdict: Going For Acrylic or Vinyl Awnings

If you want your awnings to last for long-term use, you should also know how to clean, maintain, and store them properly. Here is a detailed article on the most effective way to maintain your RV awning.

It would be best if you went for vinyl awnings when traveling in a place or area with a cooler or wet climate. Being waterproof, it is more efficient and durable, and affordable.

On the other hand, acrylic awnings are best to consider when traveling in a windy area since it is more durable to strong wind. 

It is cooler and breathable, easier to maintain, and easily stored. It is also one colorful awning that can add to the aesthetic appearance of your motorhome.


RV awnings are undeniably useful, and choosing the best will be a life-saver when outdoors. Remember to consider based on purpose, durability, price, and savings in the long run. If you weigh these factors, you will be able to get what suits you and your RV, and it will be a purchase you will not regret. 

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